

  • Fixed the issue for Auto Site-to-Site VPN connection sometimes getting disconnected upon WAN function reloaded with the following conditions:

    • Case 1: WAN IP is being changed (e.g., PPPoE IP changed)

    • Case 2: Fail-over under dual WAN

    • Case 3: IP getting changed in front end of Gateway

  • Fixed the issue for Diag Tool sometimes showing "This device is unavailable".


  • Fixed the issue for Site to Site VPN and IPsec Client VPN function that do not work properly with BASIC license.


  • Support Policy Route.

  • Support Gateway Access Control: VIP List and Block List.

  • Support Firewall Traffic Log - syslog server.

  • Support Packet Capture for WAN interfaces.

  • Adjust the definition and behavior of "System Name" and "Device Name"

    • Remove System Name setting from LSP.

    • Revise DHCP client hostname to {ModelName}-{MAC_last_4_digits}.

    • System Name support multi-language.

  • Automatically add a GRE port forwarding rule while adding PPTP TCP port: 1723

  • Revise Subnet Mask format of Static IP in LSP.

  • Optimize reset button behavior.

  • Fixed Gateway status issue when it shows online, it doesn't show WAN1/WAN2 IP information in Cloud UI.

  • Fixed the issue for Auto VPN where it failed if the number of ESG devices is more than 11.

  • Fixed the issue where the system becomes stuck upon continuously adding two bridge interfaces without assigning any Ethernet ports.


  • Use System Name as Host name for WAN via DHCP.

  • Enhance WAN security to close port 53 if Outbound FQDN rules are set.

  • Fixed the issue for Site-to-Site VPN connection not established after system reloading in some cases.

  • Fixed the issue for SecuPoint server to let it work in Passthrough Mode or under NAT.

  • Support URL filtering and Block page. (Cloud page to be updated)

  • Support EnGenius and 3rd-party DDNS function in Passthrough Mode. (Cloud page to be updated)

  • Support Client traffic statistics. (Cloud page to be updated)


  • Support Site-to-Site VPN Failover for ESG and Non-EnGenius Gateway.

  • Support EnGenius DDNS.

  • Support EnGenius SecuPoint VPN.

  • Fixed the routing issue upon enabling dual WAN where WAN interfaces have the same WAN gateway.

  • Note for Enhanced Security: The new firmware version (1.2.37) will remove the support for the less secure 3DES and MD5 options in IPSec Site-to-Site VPN Phase 2 settings, enhancing your data protection.


  • Add WWAN Failover Preference setting.

  • Add WWAN information for network statistics, packet loss, latency, and throughput.

  • Add USB port status for cellular dongle information.

  • Support PoE Reset function.

  • Support WAN1, WAN2, and WWAN Speed Test in Diag Tool.

  • Revise System Name synchronization mechanism: (1) ESG610 will always set "System Name" according to cloud configuration. (2) ESG610 will synchronize "System Name" ONLY ONCE from DUT to Cloud if user manually revises it through LSP.

  • Revise LSP GUI style.

  • Fixed the Failover function fail issue when WAN1 or WAN2 has been assigned an IP address but is unable to access the Internet.

  • Fixed the Failover function when it sometimes fails to resume the primary WAN connection.

  • Fixed the issue that ESG610 is unable to reconnect to Non-EnGenius peer after Site-to-Site VPN connection is disconnected.

  • Fixed the issue for incorrect type setting of Local / Remote ID in Non-EnGenius Site-to-Site VPN settings.

  • Fixed the issue for incorrect DHCP Client ID on the WAN interface where the content of Option 61 should be the MAC address of ESG610 rather than "ESG610".

  • Fixed the issue for Event Log where it continuously displays firmware upgrade and applied configuration messages while the device is being upgraded.

  • Fixed the issue for captive portal page not able to redirect to external splash page.


  • Add a function to override WAN MAC address setting on LSP.

  • Add a function to support Multi-Bridge function.

  • Add a function to support Per-Client bandwidth limitation.

  • Adjust the algorithm of Dual WAN failover function.

  • Revise Diag Tools for CPU loading stability.

  • Fixed the connection status issue where Non-EnGenius Peers' connection is connected but status is incorrect.

  • Fixed incorrect throughput result of WAN speed in Diag Tools.


  • Remove VPN disconnect message if it is caused by Re-Authentication.

  • Client VPN function failed in Passthrough mode.

  • Fail to set up DNS servers in WAN2 when WAN2's DNS server is set up to "Using Google Public DNS" or set up to "" manually.

  • SIP compatibility issue.

  • Auto VPN function sometimes doesn't work.


  • This f/w version is for the first release.

Last updated