[New Features]
Support Static Route over VPN: Enables traffic control by manually defining routes over a VPN tunnel, optimizing network efficiency.
Support Default Route to Remote Hub: allows routing all traffic through the remote hub for enhanced security and centralized traffic management
Support to save device’s log to syslog server for centralized log management
Support real-time log download to easy troubleshooting
Changes ESG510/ESG610/ESG620 Ethernet LED definition to “Green is high speed; amber is lower speed”
Add warning message for WAN/LAN IP conflicts to alert users of potential network issues Enhanced L7 firewall detection to improve accuracy in identifying Layer 7 packets
[Issues Fixed]
Fixed issue where only one L2TP connection from a LAN site could be established to an L2TP VPN server at the WAN site
Fixed issue where clients failed to obtain an IP address when switching WAN2 and LAN via the Local Status Page (LSP) while the internet was unreachable.
[Issues Fixed]
Fix the WAN disconnect issue when connecting to Verizon network.
[Issues Fixed]
Fixed the issue where Captive Portal's click-through authentication failed when many users were logging in
Fixing the NTP Mode 6 Scanner enhances system security and reduces potential attack risks.
Fixed the issue where ICMP Timestamp Request Disclosure exposed system time
[New Features]
Support Layer 7 Policy Based Route, allows administrator to designate which WAN port to be used for different applications.
Support Layer 7 firewall rule to block specific application that may hurt you network.
Support rollback configuration to prevent configuration errror that impact cloud connections.
Increase Layer 3 and Layer 7 firewall event logs, improving traffic visibility and easier for administrator troubleshoot their network.
Direct SecuPoint VPN user traffic using the gateway's PBR settings to ensure that all user traffic follows the same rules
Enhanced WAN disconnected log making WAN troubleshoot easier.
Support to disable LLDP for specific environment that do not allow auto discovery protocols. (Cloud does not support yet)
Support mDNS function making ESG easier to be found in local network. (Cloud does not support yet)
[Issues Fixed]
Fixed the issue where LAN subnets matching PBR rules could not route to other local subnets.
Fixed the issue that SecuPoint remote client can't access ESG’s local LAN if Passthrough mode and Split tunnel are enabled.
[New Features]
Enhanced firewall logs to output as a text file in real-time. (Cloud does not support yet)
Auto VPN Hub-and-Spoke supports full tunnel mode. (Cloud does not support yet)
Added support for static routing over VPN. (Cloud does not support yet)
When a rogue DHCP server is detected, an event log notification will be generated.
Added support to export NAT logs to an external syslog server. (Cloud does not support yet)
New dashboard displays WWAN information when WWAN is the primary WAN.
Added a new event log for reaching the maximum number of SecuPoint client seats.
Added a new event log for when the public IP and WAN IP are configured the same in NAT.
Support enable/disable HTTPs-only for local web page access. Allowing users force web UI access encrypted for better security.
Support enable/disable Local Web Page. Allowing users forbid local managements to prevent the confliction with the central cloud management.
[Issues Fixed]
Resolved an issue where the DDNS hostname was not displayed in the SecuPoint VPN client when passthrough mode was enabled.
Fixed an issue where the SecuPoint VPN client was non-functional when the primary WAN2 connection type was set to DHCP or a static IP address.
Addressed an issue where an Android phone (SecuPoint VPN client) could not access the internal server when SecuPoint VPN and port forwarding were enabled.
Corrected an issue where the latency monitor was inaccurate when the PBR function was enabled.
Fixed a problem with the Diag tool to prevent response failures.
Resolved an issue where the S2S VPN connection failed when the ESG uplink gateway changed its WAN IP address.
Fixed an issue where third-party DDNS updates failed at the first update after an ESG510 reboot.
Fixed the issue for Auto Site-to-Site VPN connection sometimes getting disconnected upon WAN function reloaded with the following conditions:
Case 1: WAN IP is being changed (e.g., PPPoE IP changed)
Case 2: Fail-over under dual WAN
Case 3: IP getting changed in front end of Gateway
Fixed the issue for Diag Tool sometimes showing "This device is unavailable".
Fixed the issue for Site to Site VPN and IPsec Client VPN function that do not work properly with BASIC license.
Support Policy Route.
Support Gateway Access Control: VIP List and Block List.
Support Firewall Traffic Log - syslog server.
Support Packet Capture for WAN interfaces.
Adjust the definition and behavior of "System Name" and "Device Name"
Remove System Name setting from LSP.
Revise DHCP client hostname to {ModelName}-{MAC_last_4_digits}.
System Name support multi-language.
Automatically add a GRE port forwarding rule while adding PPTP TCP port: 1723
Revise Subnet Mask format of Static IP in LSP.
Optimize reset button behavior.
Fixed Gateway status issue when it shows online, it doesn't show WAN1/WAN2 IP information in Cloud UI.
Fixed the issue for Auto VPN where it failed if the number of ESG devices is more than 11.
Fixed the issue where the system becomes stuck upon continuously adding two bridge interfaces without assigning any Ethernet ports.
Use System Name as Host name for WAN via DHCP.
Enhance WAN security to close port 53 if Outbound FQDN rules are set.
Fixed the issue for Site-to-Site VPN connection not established after system reloading in some cases.
Fixed the issue for SecuPoint server to let it work in Passthrough Mode or under NAT.
Support URL filtering and Block page. (Cloud page to be updated)
Support EnGenius and 3rd-party DDNS function in Passthrough Mode. (Cloud page to be updated)
Support Client traffic statistics. (Cloud page to be updated)
Support Site-to-Site VPN Failover for ESG and Non-EnGenius Gateway.
Support EnGenius DDNS.
Support EnGenius SecuPoint VPN.
Revise LSP GUI style.
Fixed the issue for captive portal page not able to redirect to external splash page.
Fixed the routing issue upon enabling dual WAN where WAN interfaces have the same WAN gateway.
Note for Enhanced Security: The new firmware version (1.2.37) will remove the support for the less secure 3DES and MD5 options in IPSec Site-to-Site VPN Phase 2 settings, enhancing your data protection.
Add WWAN Failover Preference setting.
Add WWAN information for network statistics, packet loss, latency, and throughput.
Add USB port status for cellular dongle information.
Support PoE Reset function.
Revise System Name synchronization mechanism: (1) ESG510 will always set "System Name" according to cloud configuration. (2) ESG510 will synchronize "System Name" ONLY ONCE from DUT to Cloud if user manually revises it through LSP.
Fixed system hang-up issue occurred in some conditions when Captive Portal function enabled.
Fixed the Failover function fail issue when WAN1 or WAN2 has been assigned an IP address but is unable to access the Internet.
Fixed the Failover function when it sometimes fails to resume the primary WAN connection.
Fixed the Firewall function when FQDN string length is over 32 characters in the Outbound Rules and it causes Client VPN function fail.
Fixed the expiration time of DHCP Lease when it showed incorrect remaining time.
Fixed the Site-to-Site VPN Status that showed disconnection when static routing rule is added.
Fixed the issue that it is failed to establish Site-to-Site VPN connection when using non-EnGenius Gateway in Passthrough mode.
Fixed the issue that ESG510 is unable to reconnect to Non-EnGenius peer after Site-to-Site VPN connection is disconnected.
Fixed the issue for incorrect type setting of Local / Remote ID in Non-EnGenius Site-to-Site VPN settings.
Fixed the issue for incorrect DHCP Client ID on the WAN interface where the content of Option 61 should be the MAC address of ESG510 rather than "ESG510".
Add a function to override WAN MAC address setting on LSP.
Add a function to support Multi-Bridge function.
Add a function to support Per-Client bandwidth limitation.
Improve PPPoE throughput performance on Dual WAN (DHCP & PPPoE) case.
Revise Diag Tools for CPU loading stability.
Fixed the connection status issue where Non-EnGenius Peers' connection is connected but status is incorrect.
Fixed incorrect throughput result of WAN speed in Diag Tools.
Remove VPN disconnect message if it is caused by Re-Authentication.
Fixed the issue that Gateway Client will become empty when ESG510 is set to dual WAN but WAN2 port didn't plug in Ethernet cable.
Fixed the issue that is failed to set up DNS servers in WAN2 when WAN2's DNS server is set up to "Using Google Public DNS" or set up to "" manually.
Fixed the issue that Site-to-Site VPN will use non-Primary WAN to establish VPN tunnels sometimes.
Fixed SIP compatibility issue.
Fixed the issue that VPN Client list is empty when VPN client connected to ESG510 in Passthrough mode.
Fixed the issue that SIP Phone failed to register.
Fixed the issue that Firewall Outbound Rules will be failed to apply if setting up multiple source and destination IPs in a rule.
Fixed the issue for LAN-to-LAN communication where an untagged VLAN (Default LAN) client is not able to communicate with other tagged VLAN clients.
Fixed the issue when there’s a configured VLAN-tagged LAN interface in Gateway>Interfaces/LAN settings, the device will not boot up properly when this LAN interface is disabled.
Fixed the issue that Client VPN user will fail to query domains if a FQDN rule added in Firewall settings.
Error messages are now shown on LSP when ESG NTP, ICMP, HTTP, and HTTPS Internet connection health check fails.
Default System Name is now changed to "Model name" + "-" + “last 4 digits of MAC address”.
Fixed the issue that Client VPN and Allowed Services fail when a particular character is included in the ESG VPN user description.
Fixed the issue that mDNS floodings when ESG and downstream ECW AP are both performing mDNS forwarding.
Fixed the issue for Site-to-Site VPN with 3rd party VPN device.
Supports FQDN specification in firewall outbound rule.
Character set is revised to allow in LSP System Name setting: ‘0’-‘9’, ‘a’-‘z’, ‘A’-‘Z’ and '-'
Enables System Name synchronization with Cloud setting.
Fixed the issue that DHCP Lease information is not correctly displayed.
Fixed the issue that is unable to search APs across ESG LAN ports when using the EnGenius Locator tool .
Fixed the issue that mDNS Repeater does not work properly when WAN2 is enabled.
Fixed the issue that Captive Portal Walled Garden does not work properly in some cases.
Supports FQDN Hostname and wildcard specification in Walled Garden for Captive Portal service.
Adds new function for mDNS(multicast DNS) Repeater(default is enabled).
It is revised to send “WAN1”, ”WAN2” instead of “P4”, ”P3” in LLDP port description.
Fixed the issue for Client VPN service not active after firmware upgrade.
Adds Site-to-Site VPN in Passthrough mode.
Adds “Disable” option to disable Auto NAT Traversal.
Adds Diagnostic Tool with multiple WANs/LANs.
Fixed the issue to let VPN Peer "Network Name" correctly display in the Event Log and Notifications.
Fixed the issue that Captive Portal service occasionally does not work when WAN2 is toggled between enable/disable.
Fixed the issue where wrong ID/password is not displayed on the Captive Portal splash page.
Fixed the issue that incorrect WAN1 IP is displayed in LSP while VLAN is enabled in Passthrough mode.
Fixed the issue that firewall outbound rule does not work for Client VPN users in Passthrough mode.
Fixed the issue that DDNS update fails when DDNS is set to Custom.
Fixed the issue for Captive Portal and RADIUS service not working after firmware upgrade.
New Functions:
Adds Passthrough mode with the following features:
WAN1 uplink port setting
Client VPN
Outbound firewall rules to filter traffic from LAN clients
Filtering traffic from Client VPN users is not supported with Passthrough mode in this release.
Supports HTTPS login for LSP(Local Status Page).
DDNS update error message is displayed in the Event Log.
Revised function to make DDNS update on hourly basis, and when the WAN status is changed.
Fixed the issue that Gateway Client traffic record is incorrect.
Solve network topology display issue.
Solve synchronization issues between the local GUI account and the EnGeniusn Cloud server.
Solve DDNS hostname not displayed in Client VPN.
Last updated
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