Cloud Features
Support gateway device /firewall/traffic log record to syslog server.
Configure > General settings > EnableDevice/Firewall/Traffic log on gateway
Support realtime firewall log download for identifying problems and confirming that the rules are working as expected. This requires gateway firmware 1.2.70 or later versions.
Configure > Firewall > Enable syslog on outbound/port forwarding/1:1NAT firewall rules > Click Apply > Click Real-time logs
Support IP-Mac-port-binding to verify the correctness of network packets from authorized clients and forbid those packets that has been changed by hackers.
Configure > Client Access Control > IP-MAC-Port Binding, adding a switchs/ports that you'd like to do IMPB to
Protected Switch Port list
, and then add client to
IMPB Client List
to bind it to cooresponding port.
Support LLDP on gateways.
Configure > General Settings > Enable/Disable LLDP
Support BaseDN option in Google LDAP allows the server to know where to start searching for data and ensures that the search results include only the data within that specified range.
CONFIGURE > Access Point > SSID > WPA2 / WPA3 enterprise / Captive portal > Google LDAP
Support SAML for using Azure AD and Microsoft Authticator for 2FA on Captive portal to enhancing your network security and user authentication process.
CONFIGURE > AP > SSID > Captive Portal > Azure AD > Select SAML > Upload the IdP Metadata File which provided by external Idp server.
Support Fast handover to configure RSSI threshold on each band for a client to stay connected to the AP. This ensures that clients maintain stable and optimized connectivity. It required AP firware v1.x.82 or later
CONFIGURE > Access Point > Radio Settings and adjust the Fast Handover settings. MANAGE > Access Point > AP List, select a specific AP, navigate to the Summary page, and access the FastHandover for that device.
Support to a "Reset" action to restart the AutoReboot mechanism when the outlet has reached the maximum number of AutoReboot attempts
MANAGE > PDU > PDU List > Click Specific PDU > Detail > Timeout settings > click the reset on specific outlet.
Support DFS channel settings for both indoor and outdoor APs at the network-wide and individual device.
Configure > Radio Settings > AutoChannels > Select / deselect DFS Channel.
Configure > AP Detail > Radios / Select DFS Channels on 5G
Layer 7 policy-based route is supported, so you can set the rules to direct specific applications to different WAN interfaces without specifying IP addresses or port ranges.
Configure > Gateway > Interface > Policy Route > Layer 7 > Add the rules
Layer 7 firewall rules are supported, so you can block specific applications without specifying IP addresses or port ranges.
Configure > Gateway > Firewall > Outbound Rules > Lay 7 > Set the rules
Disable RTS /CTS is supported Configure > Access Points > Radio > Enable/Disable RTS/CTS on outdoor APS
Network template is supported , so you can easily copy the current network configuration as the template and then apply to multiple networks in the same organization at the same time.
Organization > Backup & Restore > Configuration template > Add the network template > Click Apply then select the networks to be applied the network template configuration.
Firmware freeze is supported .
Configure > Firmware > Enable freeze firmware version > select the Beta/Stable version firmware to be frozen then click apply
Enable / Disable Https only and access control on local web pages
Configure > General settings> Network > Enable/Disable Https only and enable disable Local web pages.
AVXpress offers an end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) solution specifically designed for crucial audio/video (AV) applications, including video conferencing, multi-media streaming, and gaming. It enables users to prioritize traffic based on its importance.
Configure > SSID > Application control > Adjust the priority on audio/video (AV) applications
RadSec support for the RADIUS server allows you to exchange RADIUS authentication, authorization, and accounting messages through a secure TLS tunnel between the RADIUS server and the AP. It requires AP firmware version 1.x.81 or higher and the addition of a RadSec certificate for functionality.
Organization> Security > Certificates> Upload the certificate you get from the RADIUS server > Then go to Configure > AP > SSID > Wireless > WPA2/3 Enterprise/Captive portal > Custom RADIUS> Enable the RadSec on RADIUS Server.
Beta version of the new dashboard has been released, so you can check the PDU device numbers, and power status, which include the PDU outlet and Switch PoE status.
Dashboard > click the view beta version on the top right corner > New dashboard is displayed with PDU devices numbers , Power status and clients.
Hotspot 2.0 is a standard for Wi-Fi roaming between Wi-Fi and cellular networks with automatic authentication. It required AP firmware 1.x.75 or above.
Configure >SSID > Hotspot2.0 > Enable Hotspot 2.0 .
Support Policy Route, you can route traffic over preferred network paths, prioritize certain types of traffic, or balance traffic across multiple links for load balancing and optimization purposes.
Configure > Gateway > Interface > Policy Route > Add Policy Rule
Support PDU templates, so you can configure whole network PDUs at once with each PDU model template.
Configure > PDU > Template
When the outlet auto-reboots and the powered device is not powered successfully , we will notify users by default.
Auto Channel now allows you to pick the desired channel on Radio settings
Configure > Radio > select auto > click Change ch. > pick the channel.
Support allowlist on Client Access Control.
Configure > Client Access Control > Enter the mac address on allowlist.
Add MLO (Multi-Link Operation) options on each SSID. This allows Wi-fi 7 clients to create multiple links with different bands and transmit data concurrently. required AP firmware V1.x.70 or above on Wi-Fi 7 models.
Configure > SSID > Wireless> Enable MLO.
Add DDNS for gateway passthrough mode.
Configure > Gateway > Interfaces > select passthrough mode > Choose DDNS providers you want and configure it
Wired Client will display the clients that are directly connected to the downlink port on switches. ECS1xxx/2xxx requires switch firmware v1.2.85 or above. ECS5xxx requires switch firmware v2.2.15 or above.
Manage > Client > Wired Client
SSID on LAN is supported on ECW115 and ECW215AP on LAN3 .
Configure > General settings > AP > select the SSID you want to bind on LAN3
Gateway detail page support Log page.
Manage > Gateway > Detail > Logs.
PDU & EXT supports photo as other product's detail page.
The Network can be dragged and dropped to different HV in the same Organization.
Click the menu icon on the left-top corner > drag the network and then move to different HV in the same organization.
PD lifeguard and Autocam lifeguard are supported. PD lifeguard is a function that will automatically reboot PD devices when the PoE switch found it was not responding. Auto cam lifeguard is one of the options in PDLG auto mode. By enabling ACLG, the switch also considers Onvif discovery results to verify if the connected PD is a surveillance device or not. if yes, apply the ACLG reboot profile to the corresponding port automatically.
Manage > Switch > Details > PoE > PD lifeguard > Select Ports to enable PD lifeguard > Select Auto Mode > enable Autocam lifeguard.
Port Isolation Enhancement is supported, so you can configure the forward ports which can be separated into different groups where traffic between different group are blocked.
Manage > Switch > Details > Ports > Select Ports to enable Isolation and set forward ports.
MSP change log is supported.
Click MSP icon > Teams > Change log
Topology view now can display PDU and Switch Extender.
Manage > Topology > you can see the PDU/ Switch Extender icon displayed if you have the devices.
MSP Single Sign-On (SSO) is now supported.
BCMC is activated by default and available under the basic plan.
Configure > SSID > Add SSID > Advanced settings> BCMC is enabled by default and no Pro license required
802.11r now can be enabled when select WPA3 Personal (SAE) or WPA3-Personal/WPA2-PSK mixed.
Gateway WWAN offers a statistical chart
Manage > Gateway Detail > Summary > WWAN statistics is displayed on Throughput/ Latency/Packet Loss.
VLAN Trunking is available for both Switch and Switch Extender
Manage > Switch/Switch EXT details> Ports> Select the port you want to enable VLAN Trunking and Apply.
The outlet schedule is able to set three enabled periods in one day on PDU firmware v1.0.5 or above.
Manage > PDU > detail > Schedule > edit the outlet schedule > select time slider to be 3
The outlet autoreboot is supported.
Manage > PDU > detail > AutoReboot > Enable the AutoReboot on outlets and configure the hosts that you want to ping
SNMP v1/v2 is supported on PDU firmware v1.0.5 or above.
Configure > General settings > SNMP > change SNMP state to V1/V2c and set the community
Switch Extender-related settings are now available to configure if your inventory has the extender registered in your organization.
Gateway EnGenius DDNS is supported when you update the ESG firmware to v1.1.36 on ESG510 or 1.2.36 on ESG610/620.
Configure > Interface > WAN > DDNS > select the DDNS provider to EnGenius DDNS > hostname is displayed and able to edited.
Gateway PoE reset is supported
Hover on port on the Gateway Panel on detail page > Reset PoE
PDU-related settings are now available to configure if your inventory has the PDU registered in your organization.
MSP features include creating MSP teams, Inventory device management across Organizations, and cloning organizations.
Support Failover Preference for adjusting the preferred secondary WAN interface.
Support Per client application analysis
Manage > Client > click the client name > Application Analysis
Support bandwidth limit on Gateway LAN Interface.
Configure > Gateway > Interface > LAN > adjust the download / Upload limit on Bandwidth limit tab.
Multiple Bridge is supported on the gateway, This allows you to create Multiple untagged subnet environments.
Manage > Gateway > Interfaces > LAN > Change to Multiple bridge mode> Create other interfaces and set the interface type to Bridge
Export “Outbound firewall rules” and “Port Forwarding rules” in CSV format.
Configure > Gateway > Firewall > Outbound Rules/Port forwarding > Click on the Export button
Multi-language is supported.
Click on the account located in the upper-right corner of the GUI > Languages > select the language (Chinese, Japan, Indonesia, German, Italy, or Netherlands)
Containment could prevent clients to connect to rogue APs listed in the Rogue lists.
Manage > AirGuard > Contain all rogue devices.
This is available on AP 1.x.55 on "S" models.Contain selected APs only
Manage >AirGuard > Rogue SSIDs > Expand the Rogue SSID to see all rogue AP’s detected > Choose the ones to be contained.
This is available on AP 1.x.55 on "S" models.Mail notification option for firmware upgrades is supported. If enabled, users will receive email notifications if there will be firmware upgrade happened.
Configure > Alert > enable notification of firmware upgrade
Support the option to disable NAT traversal in Site-To-Site VPN.
Configure > Gateway > Site to Site VPN > Disable the NAT traversal
Site-To-Site VPN can be enabled under WAN passthrough mode.
Support the option to apply outbound firewall rules to all ESGs under the same Org.
Configure > Gateway > Firewall > Click the " Apply to all ESG in the org > Click Apply
Support real-time VPN status under the Gateway Pro feature plan.
Manage > VPN Status > VPN nodes > EnGenius Peers or Non-EnGenius Peers > Last Update : Realtime
Azure AD supported
Configure > SSID > Click on one SSID > Captive Portal > Authentication Type > Azure AD
Configure > SSID > Click on one SSID > Wireless > WPA2/3 Enterprise > Azure AD
PoE Extended mode is supported
Manage < Switches > Details > Ports > select the Ports > click Configure > find the speed/duplex settings > select Extended.
Support Import/Export VLAN with JSON file, so you can import VLAN settings at a time.
Manage> Switches > Detail > VLAN > export the JSON file > adjust the VLAN settings> import the JSON file.
Configure> Switches > Template > click one of the template > VLAN > export the JSON file > adjust the VLAN settings> import the JSON file.
Wi-Fi calling service allows cellular users to make or receive calls using a Wi-Fi network instead of using the cellular network of the carrier, This is available on AP 1.X.50 or later version.
Configure > General Settings > AP > Enable WiFi calling.
We provide Base DN allows you to specify the LDAP domain and type the LDAP login attribute to use for authentication.
Configure > SSID > Click on one SSID > Captive portal > My LDAP Server > Specify the baseDN (format:
dc=example,dc=com) and the login attrubute.
We provide “Fail-over” when 1st Radius is not reachable, 2nd or 3rd Radius will be used. However, some conditions might need to have “Load balance” on the Radius servers due to a very large client list to do authentication.
SSID > Captive Portal > Custom Radius > 3 Radius servers allowed > enable Radius Load balance
SmartCast SSID allows users to stream their subscribed media to the TV through Chromecast in their room. This feature requires AP firmware V1.x.37 for ac models and v1.x.45 for ax models
Configure > SSID > Create a SmartCast SSID and enable mDNS forwarding for all other SSIDs >add Chromecast to the lists > Download the QR code of the Chromecast and then install it on the corresponding Chromecast device > Scan QR-code
Support RADIUS VLAN override
SSID > WPA2/3 enterprise > VLAN by RADIUS
Support Hidden SSID detection
Manage > AirGuard > Rogure SSID
Support Packet Capture with Switch firmware 1.2.61 or above.
Manage > Switches > Detail > click Diag icon > Packet Capture
Manage > Switches > Diag > Packet Capture
Allow users to reset the authenticator’s certificate to default on Google LDAP.
SSID > WPA2/3 enterprise > Google LDAP
SSID > Captive Portal > Authentication Type > Google LDAP
Support Advanced DCS settings. So you can schedule DCS by start time or time interval.
Configure > Radio settings > DCS > Advanced settings
Diag tool is supported on switch firmware 1.2.60 or above. So you can use it to troubleshoot errors. Manage > Switches > Diag
Manage > Switches > Detail> click Diag icon
6G is supported by the country.
Configure > SSID > Click one SSID > Wireless > Enable 6G
Configure > Radio Settings > Enable 6G
DuraFon Roam management page is supported. Click the phone icon on the left panel
Diag tool is supported on AP firmware 1.x.35 or above. So you can use it to troubleshoot errors.
Manage > Access Ponts > Diag
Manage > Access Ponts > Detail>click Diag icon
Clear all logs on Organization is supported. Notification > click clear icon near the Organization
Per device licensing added. We provide 1 year of free PRO licensing, so you can use PRO features. After 1 year, if you want to use the PRO feature, each device needs to assign a license.
Organization > Inventory & Licensing
Dynamic Channel Selection supported. This will automatically change channels to avoid interference
Configure > Radio settings > DCS > Enable DCS
Exclude DFS supported. This allows you to exclude DFS channels from Auto Channel on 5G
Configure > Radio settings > Exclude DFS > Enable Exclude DCS
New Firmware Trial Zone Supported.
Users can pick devices into New Firmware Trial Zone, so you can try the new Firmware on partial network devices and prevent the whole Network from going wrong.
Configure > Firware Upgrade > New Firmware Trial Zone > Add devices into Trial Zone
AD/ LDAP supported (only 1 SSID can be enabled in a network)
Configure > SSID > Click on one SSID > Captive Portal > Authentication Type > My LDAP Server or Active directory
Configure > SSID > Click on one SSID > Wireless > WPA2 Enterprise > Security > My LDAP Server or Active directory
Support Bandwidth limit by RADIUS and RADIUS MAC Auth
Configure > SSID > Click on one SSID > Captive portal > Custom RADIUS
Support Virtual AP on floor plans. This allows users to plan the Wi-Fi environment even if physical AP hasn't been registered. Once users have physical APs in the network, users can drag the physical AP to Virtual AP ( model needs to be the same) then physical AP could use the Virtual AP configuration.
Manage > Map & Floor Plans > click Virtual AP icon on the tool bar > add the virtual AP then drag on the floor plan > adjust the Virtual AP configuration
Support to use polyline to draw an obstacle.
Manage > Map & Floor Plans > Obstacle
Support Google LDAP. If users have used Google Suite, then the users are able to choose google LDAP as their service. If users import Google Certificates from the EnGenius cloud then users can return to the Google Suite to manage the LDAP service.
SSID > WPA2/3 enterprise > Google LDAP
SSID > Captive Portal > Authentication Type > Google LDAP
Support System IP Range. Let users be aware of the EnGenius reserved IP range to prevent them from using it in their local LAN. and be able to change the System reserved range if they cannot change their local LAN IP address range.
Configure > General settings > AP
Support RADIUS CoA (Change of Authorization). This allows a RADIUS server to change the access authorization of an active client session.
Configure > SSID > click on one SSID > Captive Portal > Custom Radius > CoA
Support switch template. This helps users to apply the same port configuration to all switches with the same models in the Network to save the time of configuration.
Configure > Switch settings > Template
Support WIFI usage in Client Timeline.
Manage > Clients > then click on one client
Support exporting client list to CSV.
Manage > Clients > Export > CSV
Support SNMP in
Configure > General settings > Network
Support network configuration backup/restore.
Organization > Backup & Restore > Add a Network Backup with device backup
Support Report Generation.
Report > Task > New Task
Support Facebook WiFi
Configure > SSID > click on one SSID > Captive Portal > Facebook Wi-Fi
Support WPA2-MyPSK Auth with External RADIUS
SSID > WPA2-PSK> WP2-MyPSK > Auth with external RADIUS
On Manage > Switch> Detail
page, add aLED Blinking
button to trigger an AP to blink its LED for 10 seconds. This could help users quickly identify the AP.Support multicast and unicast
General Settings > AP > Advanced Settings.
Support Switch POE Scheduling
Manage > Switches > Detail > PoE Sched.
Support WPA2-MyPSK.
Support BCMC Suppression.
SSID > Wireless > Advanced Settings
Support Org License so you are able to try the Pro feature easily.
Organization > Inventory & License > Click on Switch to Professional
Support mesh topology and show third-party devices.
Manage > Topology
Support NAS ID in custom RADIUS settings.
SSID > click one SSID > Captive Portal > Custom RADIUS
Support VIP in ACL Settings.
Configure > Access Control > VIP > Add VIP
Support the option to enable/disable switch local GUI in individual settings.
Go to
Switch detail page > System Settings > Local GUI (enable / disable)
By default: Disabled, to prevent confusion on the settings from Cloud and Local GUI.
If the user wants to set some advanced settings which Cloud doesn’t support yet, then the user can enable the Local GUI
Support both "Per Client" bandwidth limit and "Per SSID" bandwidth limit
SSID > Bandwidth Limit > Enable "Per Client" and or "Per SSID" bandwidth limit > Upload / Download limit
For Covid-19 infection control, Exposure Analysis, an extension of the Client Timeline, helps the Company to be able to identify who had been exposed to the infected in past days.
Manage > Clients > click on one client to go to Client Timeline > Exposure Analysis
(Exposure Analysis is by default disabled, go to below to enable:Organization > Privacy > Enable Exposure Analysis
Bulk voucher list can be exported to .csv file
Go to Voucher portal > user credential > auto generation > generate guest pass * N > create bulk voucher > Export to csv
TFA (Two Factor Authentication) is enabled for Cloud users
Enable TFA of your own:
User profile > Two Factor Authentication > install Google Authentication on mobile phone > enter TFA (or 2FA) code on Google Authentication APP > Activate
or to enforce TFA (2FA) for all users in Organization O
rganization > Security > Enable 2FA Enforcement
Client's name can be renamed
Block function enables admin to block clients from access the networks, and the blocked-user will get blocked message.
Manage > Clients > choose the clients to be blocked > Access Control > Block on SSID / Blocked on Network-wide
Add DNS setting under NAT mode, so user can add, say, content filtering service to filter content access of NAT clients.
Manage > SSID > choose one SSID > Network > Client IP mode > NAT mode enabled > DNS settings
Splash page editor is enhanced to "WYSWYG" style for user to define their own Logo and theme.
Configure > SSID > click on one SSID > Splash Page > Local Splash Page
Global credential setting is now available to assign single credential to all AP and Switch in the Network for local access.
Configure > General Settings > Network > Local Credential
"Mirror" and "Link Aggregation" function is enabled in Switch
Manage > Switches > click on one Switch >under Switch Device Local Page > Mirror / Link Aggregation
Client Timeline is available to track how client access to the network for easy-to-debug
Manage > Clients >
then click on one clientDark mode supported
User can block clients in Client List.
Support ACL Block List in
SSID > Access Control
Support WYSIWYG Splash Page editor.
Add a “Clone From” button in SSID Setting page to speed up SSID manipulation by coping settings from other SSID.
TX Power tuning options now start from 1 to 10 dBm.
Support network-wide LED setting in
General Settings > AP
.Support LAN Port settings in
General Settings > AP
for wall-mounted Access Points.For 3rd party presence analytics or location-aware services, EnGenius Cloud now supports Presence Reporting settings in
General Settings > AP
for integration in advance.Syslog Server settings have been moved to
General Settings
under AP and Switch Tab.Support Traffic Log to have AP sending more traffic info to syslog server. The feature is available in advanced settings of
General Settings > AP
.In Firmware Upgrade page, clicking “Upgrade Now” button now also displays a summary of upgraded device number.
User can see logs of a Switch in
Switch List > Detail > Logs
.Topology now automatically displays the port numbers when mouse is hovering the device icon.
Support WPA3.
Support 802.11w.
AP List > Detail
page, addLED Blinking
button to trigger an AP to blink its LED for 10 seconds. This could help user to quickly identify the AP.User now can create and print vouchers in batch.
Client List
now shows more details about client IP address and vendor info.New EMail Alert format. Instead of sending all details in one mail, mail body now mainly contains the summary of managed networks. User can follow the link in the mail to browse details in advance.
Add "Global Settings" in Toolbar menu to support more network-wide configurations.
In "Global Settings", user can configure network-wide "Local Credential" to make all managed APs with the same username and password for local access.
Support the option to turn on/off LEDs of all managed APs in
Global Settings > AP
.Add "VLAN Settings" in Toolbar menu to let user centrally manage all VLANs defined or used in the Network. If there is any VLAN binding with SSID or Voice VLAN defined in switch, all these VLANs would listed in the
VLAN Settings
Switch List > Detail > Summary
, user can view all VLANs applied on dedicated switch (including VoiceVLAN).
Support network-wide
Switch Settings
for spanning tree, LLDP, voice VLAN, QoS, IGMP snooping, and jumbo frames.Support network-wide
VLAN Settings
. You can have an overview of the VLANs used in your network including SSIDs or Voice VLANs.In the switch detail page, you can manually configure IP Address settings of the switch. Note that the settings only work for the firmware version after 1.1.16.
In the switch detail page, VLAN can be directly manipulated here. Any newly created VLAN will be also shown in the network-wide VLAN Settings.
New Features
Client List now supports sophisticated search options.
New Sign-In, Sign-Up pages is online.
Have a dedicated button on the toolbar to manage team members intuitively.
Add a
icon button at top right corner of menu bar. User can access user manual and get support ticket over there.Support
Delete My Account
in the user setting menu.User can rename Skykey on the management page.
New Features
Network-wide Radio Settings now support Indoor and Outdoor profiles.
Support an option "Disable 11ax in 2.4G" in the Radio Setting. Some legacy wireless clients are not compatible with 11ax. Enabling this option makes the 11ax APs like ECW220 or ECW230 can still serve legacy client well in 2.4G channel.
Users can upload and display photos in AP Detail page of Web GUI now.
Last updated
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