Platform Requirements (VM)

Before you start to manage EnGenius devices via VM-based FitController, you must first prepare the platform to load the system:

PC/server with Minimum Specs:

  1. Platform: X86-based PC, Server, or Cloud Instance

  2. CPU: Intel/AMD, computing power >= i3, 2-core is preferred.

  3. Memory: 1GB free space for running FitController

  4. Storage: 8GB

Software needed (VM)

  1. EnGenius FitController is packaged as a docker container which can be run in most of standard Linux distributions.

  2. VM with Linux installed should be able to install FitController with simple commands.

  3. Windows 10/11 64bit with WSL2 enabled can also install docker desktop to run FitController.

Support for FitController in ARM-based platform is still under survey.

Last updated