EnGenius FIT Wi-Fi 6 2x2 Dual-band Indoor Access Point
[New Features]
Suppoer EnGenius Private Cloud (EPC).
Remove Green Mode configurations in local GUI.
[Issue Fixed]
Fix the issue when upgrade device firmware to v1.0.60~62, user name/password be reset to default.
[Issue Fixed]
Fix command injection vulnerability in tools page of local GUI.
Resolve the issue where mDNS forwarding is not working properly.
Fix the vulnerability issue specified in CVE-2024-9504.
[Issue Fixed]
Resolve the issue where clients that only support 2.4G are unable to obtain IP address or access internet through Access Point (AP).
[Issue Fixed]
Enhance Client Roaming behavior to support the EnGenius Fast-Handover algorithm, preventing 'Sticky Clients' from connecting to AP with weak signal, ensuring smooth transitions and optimal connections.
Enhance Client-Balancing Features to support 802.11v by adjusting client connections based on load and signal quality, dispersing client connections, and preventing AP overload.
Enhance the SSID traffic management mechanism to ensure client maintain optimal throughput when traffic shaping is enabled.
Support wireless client mac-based WMM
Traffic log includes NAT information when logged to the syslog server.
Prevent DNS resolved fail.
Support application DSCP tagging.
Fix Command Injection Vulnerabilities.
Supports multiple languages of system name in LSP.
Update the style of the LSP/Standalone web GUI.
Fingerprint supports more OS types.
Fixed AP offline caused by UTF8 decode of device name.
Fixed the certificates sometimes disappear after device firmware upgrade.
Supports website filtering.
Supports PSTI certification requirements.
Fixed Fit AP sometimes not displaying Wi-Fi usage information in FitXpress.
Fixed Fit AP sometimes appearing offline in FitXpress.
Fixed an issue where enabling WDS in station mode would cause VLAN passthrough to fail.
Fixed an issue where the MAC filter white list does not working in standalone mode.
Fixed the issue where the web GUI turned into LSP and devices couldn't be found in 'Inventory -> Pending Approval' after upgrading the firmware from v1.0.1 in standalone mode.
Fixed captive portal splash page redirect issue when managed by Fit controller.
Resolved AP offline issue with Fit controller after firmware upgrade from v1.0.4.
Remove email alert: "ezmcloud configuration change notification" in standalone mode.
Support MAP LED behavior at MAP listen mode.
Change minimum TX power to 7 in standalone mode.
Support Repeater function in standalone mode only.
Support “Isolate Ethernet Devices” advanced setting for guest network in standalone mode only.
Support FitRegister service.
Fixed the AP can not re-connect to FitCon server after network down/up.
Last updated