The Support Rollback Configuration feature allows devices to revert to the previous configuration in case of disconnection caused by an incorrect configuration pushed from EnGenius Cloud.
For easier troubleshooting, add a Ping Failed event log for the AutoReboot feature.
Enhance the Never Power Off feature: when Never Power Off is enabled, AutoReboot and Schedule cannot be enabled (local GUI only).
Support the new model ECP106-INT.
Support enable/disable HTTPs-only for local web page access. Allowing users force web UI access encrypted for better security.
Support enable/disable Local Web Page. Allowing users forbid local managements to prevent the confliction with the central cloud management.
Add Retry and Reset options to AutoReboot, increasing the flexibility of device power management.
Support synchronize "Schedule" configurations in local GUI to Cloud when PDU first time check in Cloud.
Add a new event log when PDU detects outlet has no power supply after AutoReboot.
Add new event logs for firmware upgrade.
Configurations made via LCD will be kept even device reboot.
Supports LCD viewing angles of 0, 90, and 270 degrees in dark mode, ensuring that the content is easy to read regardless of the installation orientation.
Support displaying the Serial Number and Local Web Page on/off status on the LCD.
Provide email notification in case the connected device loses power from Auto-rebooting.
Improved the voltage safe range to accommodate varying default settings across different countries.
Fixed the issue to let event log record AMP safe range when exceeding configuration range.
Fixed the issue to let event log record the configured safe range of power and current.
Fixed the issue to correct the testing email's sending errors.
Extend Outlet and User Name Length to 64.
Add org license function.
Modify default max amp current from 4A to 12A.
Add schedule time slider in local GUI page.
This f/w version is for the first release.
The Support Rollback Configuration feature allows devices to revert to the previous configuration in case of disconnection caused by an incorrect configuration pushed from EnGenius Cloud.
For easier troubleshooting, add a Ping Failed event log for the AutoReboot feature.
Enhance the Never Power Off feature: when Never Power Off is enabled, AutoReboot and Schedule cannot be enabled (local GUI only).
Support the new model ECP212-INT.
Support enable/disable HTTPs-only for local web page access. Allowing users force web UI access encrypted for better security.
Support enable/disable Local Web Page. Allowing users forbid local managements to prevent the confliction with the central cloud management.
Add Retry and Reset options to AutoReboot, increasing the flexibility of device power management.
Support synchronize "Schedule" configurations in local GUI to Cloud when PDU first time check in Cloud.
Add a new event log when PDU detects outlet has no power supply after AutoReboot.
Add new event logs for firmware upgrade.
Configurations made via LCD will be kept even device reboot.
Support displaying the Serial Number and Local Web Page on/off status on the LCD.
Provide email notification in case the connected device loses power from Auto-rebooting.
Improved the voltage safe range to accommodate varying default settings across different countries.
Fixed the issue to let event log record AMP safe range when exceeding configuration range.
Fixed the issue to let event log record the configured safe range of power and current.
Fixed the issue to correct the testing email's sending errors.
Extend Outlet and User Name Length to 64.
Add org license function.
Modify default max amp current from 4A to 12A.
Add schedule time slider in local GUI page.
This f/w version is for the first release.